Request for Bids
Grand Rapids Early Childhood Hub – Commercial Kitchen

Project Overview

Grand Rapids Early Childhood Hub – Commercial Kitchen

KOOTASCA Community Action (KOOTASCA) is requesting bids for a Design/Build Commercial Kitchen project in Grand Rapids, MN. The project will take place at the site of the former Murphy Elementary School, now the Grand Rapids Early Childhood Hub. The winning bidder will need to provide documents through the Design Development and Construction Documents phases along with supplying and installing the final kitchen equipment.

Name of Project: Grand Rapids Early Childhood Hub – Commercial Kitchen
Address of Project: 822 NE 5th Ave, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Examination of Documents: All bid materials and instructions will be available online at

This Work shall be subject to minimum wages and labor standards in accordance with The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Prevailing Wages for State Funded Construction Projects. Bidders must carry Minnesota Worker’s Compensation insurance and conform to all governing laws of the State of Minnesota.

KOOTASCA reserves the right to engage in discussions or negotiations with none, any, or all proposing entities as part of the selection process. It reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award in the best interests of the Owner.

Proposals received by:
Proposals must be submitted or mailed to the address below. All submittals must be received no later than 11 a.m. on 3:30pm a.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.

KOOTASCA Community Action
201 NW 4th Street – Suite 130
Isaac Meyer, Housing Development Director
Email: [email protected]

Bid Materials

Bidding Instructions
Schematic Design – Food Service Equipment Plan and Schedule
GRECH-Building Layout with Square footage


Addendum 1 – Issued June 21, 2023

Addendum 1